Many bookstores offer numerous choices of books on Java Server Programming; however, most of these books are intricate and complex to grasp. So, what are your chances of picking up the right one? If this question has been troubling you, now you can be rest assured! The book Java Server Programming: Java EE 7 (J2EE 1.7) Black Book, Platinum Edition, is a one-time reference book that covers all aspects of Java EE in an easy-tounderstand approach—for example, how an application server runs; how Glassfish Server 4.0 deploys a Java application; a complete know-how of design patterns, best practices, and design strategies; working with Java related technologies, such as NetBeans IDE 7.4, Hibernate 4.3, Spring 4.0, and Seam frameworks; proven solutions using the key Java EE 7 technologies, such as JDBC 4.0, Servlets 3.1, JSP 2.3, Expression Language 3.0, JSTL 1.2, RMI, JNDI, JavaMail, Web services, JCA 1.7, Struts 2, JSF 2.2, UML, and much more. As the book explores these concepts with appropriate examples and executable applications—no doubt, every aspect of the book is worth its price.
The proficient team at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press has seized the market of computer books bringing excellent content in software development to the fore. The team is committed to excellence—excellence in the quality of content, excellence in the dedication of its authors and editors, excellence in the attention to detail, and excellence in understanding the needs of the readers.